WHERE TO START?.....Jesus Said; ask in my name and you shall receive........
I have prayed for two years for funds to build a new dormitory to house up to 24 men in separate rooms (4 to a room) at CASA C.A.F.E. Men's Rehab Center.
PRAISE GOD!! .....The prayer has been answered.
Three weeks ago I received enough funds to start building it. This came from a friend and brother in Christ who I thank, as do all the men at CASA C.A.F.E. We prayed for him and gave thanks for God's mercy and grace in providing the means for better living conditions for His fallen children as they heal and learn to walk
as sober and drug free Christian men.
We may need additional funding if we have to replace all the wooden bunk beds with steel frames. (code) "Let me know if you can help with this need"
MEN AT WORK >The men have been growing chickens from babies (2 months ago) and they will be ready to slaughter and eat starting this week. Some of the chicken will be used to supply Los Guizaros in the near future, (where we feed the children) a steady source of meat. Praise God! And on a daily basis the men grow there own vegetables to eat and sell to buy other supplies. (Great Therapy)!!
I just recieved word that a small , but strong mission team is going from Texas to build 10 more buck beds for the families at Los Guido from June 10 to the 20. Jon (who lead the team last year) will be bringing them again this year. (Praise God.) "That's last years team"
Please keep those men and women, (brothers and sisters) in prayer as they prepare to serve God in another Country and His children, that are in need of basic living conditions and salvation.
I am taking a trip back to Calif, from May 6 to June 7. I will be in So CA from the 7 thru the 14 of May, then off to Tenn to speak at Faith Baptist Church in Bartlett TN. (They have adopted me and my mission to support and pray for). Praise God!... Then I fly back to CA to visit my children and Grandchildren in Sacramento, CA...Then up to Oregon to a family reunion in Grants Pass OR, at my moms house. "That's my moms family (13 brothers and sisters), I'm up front left(as your looking at it) on my knees and my brother is sitting next to me with my mom, younger sister and step father over my right shoulder. I think about 1950.."
Your Servent and Brother in Christ Jesus
Bruddah Keith
Please send your support to,Commission To Every Nation, = "CTEN, P.O. Box 291307, Kerrville, TX 78029"...please send in all support by the 24th for that months disbursement. Make your check out to CTEN with a side note with my name on it, (not on the check).