I was heading to Los Guido to drop off some passport size photos I had printed for Randell, who needed them to get his papers to work as a security guard.
Monday afternoons at 3pm I head to "CASA C.A.F.E." men's rehab center to bring supplies for the men, and to bring Fran, who teaches the weekly Bible Study. Fran is an Costa Rica ex druggie who was saved four years ago and wants to be a Pastor some day. He recently joined me to teach the Monday afternoon Bible Study I started two years ago. He's been in discipleship training for three years. While Fran is teaching, I'm usually counseling a few of the men. I get home around 8:30 pm.
TUESDAY, I catch up on my emails, write reports and take care of personal stuff. This day at 7:30am, I had to take my car in to the mechanic's, as one of my rear springs broke so he was replacing both of them. I went home and did paper work. I had asked God about building the rain divirter. It sounded like yes!
3:00pm I picked my car up from the shop and then picked up a TV, that was in the repair shop from the rehab center to take back up there Friday. (which is movie night)twice a month I bring my DVD player and show a movie for the men .
WEDNESDAY morning, I picked up Randell to help me build the water diverter in Sector #5 in Los Guido. (I still can't do a lot of work with my hands, because of my two sprained fingers.)after picking up the cement rock and sand we installed a 10'x 1'x 6" cement water divertor. Most people that came by thanked us and God for helping them have just a little better day.
THURSDAY. This week I received my monthly money transfer from CTEN, so I visited Price Mart and bought 200# of rice for the rehab center and another 200# for feeding the children at Los Guizaros and 100# for the daycare center in Los Guido. I delivered too Los Guido and Los Guizaros. Friday I'll go to Coronado, "CASA C.A.F.E.". One of the blessings in delivering the food , is praying over it with my friends.
Around 1 pm I was driving to my house, when I went around a corner and my two wheel drive stopped working and I had almost no brakes...It was kinda freaky!! I put it in 4 wheel drive and I could move forward so I drove it about 3 miles to my mechanic house,BLESSING, as I pulled up to his garage my right rear tire and axial fell off!! If I had gone another 5 feet, it would have caused a lot of damage. Instead Abel, my mechanic said; he could fix it by tomorrow morning. I figure the Angles got me there before it fell off...Praise God!! ...3:pm, I went to the dentist and he recommends I get my 5 bottom front teeth capped. He gives me a break because I'm a missionary, he'll do everything for $1000.00. I told him I'd see what happens in the next couple months, as Christmas is near and there's a lot to do for the children. He said; he'd hold the price for me.
FRIDAY morning, I call the mechanic and my car will be done at 11 am. I take a bus to pick up my car (20 minute ride)and head to Coronado with 200# of rice for the men's rehab center. I'm also taking my DVD player to show the men a movie, this week it's Lion King....yes, most of them never saw it or if they did it was in English, this is in Spanish. when I arrive at CASA C.A.F.E. I get some bad news. It seems that Paco(He's been at the center for 3 years, directing it the last two)has back slid back to drinking and has left the center. Anyway we will pray about this and then watch the movie as there's nothing more we can do, but pray. I will talk to Paco next week. Please pray for him.
I turn the movie on for the men,then me and the leaders sit down for a long talk about Paco, the food situation(not good)and possibly having to move the men to another location........I'll know more next week..
I won't be coming to the center next week as I'm going on a trip with some friends that are coming from CA to visit my mission area and see some of Costa Rica, as he wants to move here to raise his two girls. I get home around 8:30pm
Sunday > I usually go to church in the morning then in the afternoon I try to make it to the church in Los Guido, where my ministry began. and the rest of the day I take it kind of easy, unless God has other plans, which He usually does.
I'll get back with ya all next week.
God Bless your day with His peace
Bruddah Keith